Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Talents prompt

"You're so lazy, Konni! You're so talented and you're wasting it!" Every time I slacked off, didn't practice, or got lazy, my mom would say this to me. Until a couple years ago, I was wondering what talents she could possibly be speaking of, and if she knew of them, then if she could tell me what they were. Everyone is good at something. We all have that one (or several) talents that make us unique. What is my talent? That's a good question.

I believe that I am talented in many different aspects. However I believe I am most talented in music and art. In music, I can play several instruments and took lessons for many years. Also I can sing pretty well; not great (haha), but good enough to almost win a band competition. Also I have a good eye for photography and have a good aesthetic sense. I can draw pretty well, however I focus mostly just on clothes and shoes. (Wow, I kinda felt super conceited as I was typing this paragraph out.)

I have put my musical talents into use. In my church, I play the piano and keyboard and sing for my church's worship band. I use my musical abilities to lead people into worship and prayer. My worship band have made some compositions and songs of our own and entered into the Band Champs competition. We didn't win, but we made it through 2 of 3 the rounds. With my artistic talents, I have been offered a job as a photographer's assistant. And I have made some clothes designs that have yet to be created into actual wearable clothes.

Miesha's talent is different from mine, as her talent as been put through trials and hardships, that threatened to make her fail. My talents have been made all into hobbies and I do them on my spare time. If I wasn't able to continue my hobby, I wouldn't be that adversely affected as Miesha would've been. Her talent has allowed her to persist in continuing her education. I see her talent as a priority for her; it's important. To me, I see my talents as enjoyable activities to do in my spare time.

In the Parable of the Three Talents, God gives three people varying amounts of talents. Two of them work hard and use their talents to produce more talents than they previously had, and God blesses them and praises them for their hard work and diligence. The other person who received only one talent, didn't want to lose it and so he buried it. He was lazy and didn't use what God gave him; and so God takes his talent away and punishes him.

Jesus' point of this parable was to work hard and attempt anything and everything with diligence, and you will be rewarded. I believe that this parable can be applied to Miesha's life and mine. We all should work hard at whatever we do, and do them diligently. As a result, we will be blessed and rewarded.


  1. KONNI!

    I loved how you started it. It was very cool. It made me want to read more. I also like how you went in dept with your analysis on yourself and Miesha and the literary connection. It showed that you didn't just half-butt this assignment. Great Job :)

    *yay i'm the first to comment!

  2. Konni,
    I agree with Leelynn, I like how you started the prompt. It was engaging. This was nice to read, I didn't know your were musically talented! I like the way you compared Miesha and your talent. "I see her talents as priority for her; its important." is a really good point because she needs that talent to live a better life. Her talent is a personal trait that anyone could have -the fact that it isn't 'music' or 'sports' also shows the conditions of L.A. because most kids dont have the luxury to do music and sports.

  3. See, you do have comments ;D I feel for how you worried about not making the most use of your talents, like most of us who have so many other things on our plates. But also I liked the comparison of how her talents are so important and have been put to the test and that yours haven't, somehow though, I know by reading it that music and art to you are just as important as Miesha's talents are to her. Your blog had a lot of voice.

  4. Konni, Good choice and voice. I wish you expanded just a little bit more and the 2nd half needed much more to flesh it out. I learned more about you! You can do this! Just push a little bit more each time!
